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Getting started

This is the documentation for the python package PyStemmusScope, which allows for for running the STEMMUS-SCOPE model.

The model source code, executable file and utility files are available in the

STEMMUS_SCOPE repository.

The input datasets are available on Snellius and CRIB. First, make sure you have right access to the repository and data.

Running the model

  1. Using executable file: As a user, you don't need to have a MATLAB license to run the STEMMUS-SCOPE model. If PyStemmusScope and MATLAB Runtime are installed on a Unix-like system (e.g. your own machine, Snellius or WSL), you can run STEMMUS_SCOPE using the executable file.
  2. Using Matlab: If PyStemmusScope and Matlab are installed, you can run STEMMUS_SCOPE from the source code, for example on Snellius or CRIB.
  3. Using Octave: If PyStemmusScope and latest Octave including required packages are installed, you can run STEMMUS_SCOPE from its source code, for example on CRIB or your own machine.

See section Installation Instructions for required packages.