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Contributing Guide

If you want to contribute to PyStemmusScope, you will need to set up your development environment the right way. The instructions below will guide you though the steps required.

Configure the python package for development and testing

To contribute to the development of the python package, we recommend installing the package in development mode.


First, clone this repository:

git clone

Then install the package (On Windows, use python instead of python3):

cd STEMMUS_SCOPE_Processing
python3 -m install -e .[dev]

Running tests

The testing framework used here is PyTest. You can run tests as (On Windows, use python instead of python3):

python3 -m pytest

Building the documentation

To edit the documentation locally, do:

mkdocs serve

Then open the local hyperlink displayed in the terminal, e.g.:

INFO     -  [13:23:44] Serving on

Run formatting tools

You can use prospector to get information about errors, potential problems and convention violations. To run:


To format the import statements, you can use isort as:


Development of STEMMUS_SCOPE model

To contribute to the STEMMUS_SCOPE model, you need access to the model source code that is stored in the repository STEMMUS_SCOPE.